Lake Lillian history #4
This was published in the August 2012 issue of the Lake Lillian News

Added content of districts 43 and 81 S. March 25 2024 with the schools in our 4 townships from the Kandi Express.

April 26 2024 fixed code errors and added some photos

District #89:

My dad, Otto, and his siblings attended Riverside School, Kandiyohi County District 89. It was organized in 1892 and located on the south bank of the Crow River, 1 mile south of #7 and 1/2 mile West of County Rd 2.

The school closed in 1954 as it was consolidated into a district at Cosmos. All trace of the Riverside country school is now gone as the river has been dredged into a wide ditch in that area

1915 Riverside

District 89 as it appeared in 1915 when my dad Otto was in first grade.

This 1917 picture is of my Dad (age 8) and first grader Aunt Eleanor walking with their lunch pails.

walking to school

Each year the teachers presented a souvenir class list to the students. The following from 1912 is typical.

1912 souvenir 1912 students 1912 students

This 1912 picture without names is from my Aunt Lillian's album. My guesses are:

The class list shows 43 and only 26 are in the picture. My Uncle Clarence is probably among those missing.

District #110 was in the village of Lake Lillian

I started 1st grade in 1945 as WWII was ending and completed all 8 grades in the District 110 building located in the village of Lake Lillian.

District 110

The building was built in 1925, located west of the Village Park and had 2 teachers and 2 rooms. Grades 1-4 were in the little room and grades 5-8 were in the big room. Both rooms were the same size of course. By 1950, schools were starting to consolidate and one of the larger country school buildings was moved into town and placed alongside the big room. That made it possible to start a kindergarten and place first and second grades with them in the new room and have 3 grades each in the other rooms. These buildings lasted until 1955 when a new 8-room school with a gym was completed in the southeast corner of town. By that time I was in high school in Bird Island on the way to graduation in 1957.

The picture shows the Big Room (grades 6,7,8) in the 1951-1952 school year with me in 7th grade at the front of the far row and everyones favorite teacher, Mrs Widlund, standing in the corner.

Big room

Bird Island High School

High school for me was 13 miles south at Bird Island. The bus was an orange 60 passenger 1939 ford with rattles, which was the prototype for today's school bus. I wonder when the first school bus routes started. My aunt Eleanor born in 1911 did not attend high school in the 1920's because she did not want to room and board in Atwater

1939 Ford bus

We started our freshman year in the fall of 1953 with 48 classmates and graduated with 34 in 1957. We built a replica of the Eiffel Tower for the junior year prom. It was made of 2x2's and lath and was large enough for the Grand March to parade under in the center of the gym. I wish I had a picture of it.

I was class president in my senior year. I think it was my turn. The senior class in 1957 traveled to Chicago by Milwaukee Road passenger train from the depot in Bird Island. The class had a reunion every 5 years for 50 years.

Dist 43 School

District 43 was typical of the rural schools and was located north of our Lake and east of county road 8.

43 rural school

dist 43 classroom

43 classroom

District #43 -- 1951 Students

A story of District 81 S

February 10, 2023 Dear Beverly (Mrs. Kelbing), I read that you are part of the Lake Lillian Centennial Committee and thought it might interest you to read the enclosed material relative to District 81 South. The first is a few pages I wrote some time ago for the younger members of our family about attending a 1 room country school. You were my first and second grade teacher and your Mother was my teacher for the remaining grade school years. It will likely bring back a few memories.

The second set of pages is questions my brother, Mike/Butch, developed for a class assignment interview and the written responses to those questions. They provide some history about the school. My mother had saved these pages and we found them after my parents died. We do not know who the interviewee is but will continue trying to find out who it was.

I hope you enjoy reading about our school. If any of this is useful for the all- school reunion, please feel free to do so. My memory is not perfect, so if there are corrections to be made, that should be done as well. I hope to see you during the celebrations this summer.



Jacquelyn Huebsch

School days at 81 South in East Lake Lillian

81 South was a one-room country school on a small hill on my grandfather's (Clem Huebsch) land and 1/4 mile east of our farm (Vernon Huebsch). The big school room had windows on the north and the south and blackboards on the west wall. The entry room on the east was where we left our boots and had to hang our coats. The school bell rope was there too. The teachers desk was up by the blackboard on the west end and our desks faced hers. The student's desks were of various sizes to fit the various sizes of the kids (some of these desks are in the basement Of our farmhouse and the kids in our family still play school in them.). Next to the teacher's desk was a low table with small chairs for us to sit on when she was teaching our class. The stove was in the NW corner and the library bookcases were in the northeast corner.

There was a school bell in the belfry (this belfry is now the doghouse on our farm) which was rung when school started (to let us know if we were late) and to tell us to come in at the end of recess. On the west end of the school grounds were the girls and the boy's outhouses. On the east end were a few low trees and some small purple iris bloomed there in the spring. There was a coal shed, swings and a teetr-totter. Near the coal shed was a well that had a big pump handle and provided the water for the water pail kept in the schoolhouse.

Total size of the school was never more than 15 students during my years (1946-1954). There were 3 in my class; Phyllis Rust, Joyce Gilhoi and me. Every grade had students. The families that I remember attending during my time were the Rust's (Mary, Norman, George, Phyllis, Verna/Ginger, Jackie), Swenson's (Connie and Ronnie), Nordin's (Mary Ann and Ronnie), Evajean Erickson, Joyce Gihoi, Susie Thode, Olson's (Mary, Betty and Sally), Ackman's (Dale and Karen), later Vetruba's (Norma and Jerry) and Peter Propper. My brother (Butch/Mike) and my sister (Maylon) also attended 81 South before the schools consolidated. (siblings Diane and Jon only attended the consolidated "town" school.) I did all 8 grades at 81 South before going to high school (St. Mary's) in Bird Island.

My first and second grade teacher was Beverly Birkemeyer Kelbing. Her mother, Pearl Birkemeyer, was the teacher for my grades 3 - 8. Mrs. Birkemeyer's husband, Emil, would bring her to school, get the stove going, shovel snow from the steps, and do whatever had to be done to help start the school day. Teachers taught every subject for every grade. The curriculum included reading, grammar, writing/penmanship, spelling, geography, history (Minnesota and U ) , science and health. We did our schoolwork with Dick and Jane reading books Winky workbooks, lined paper to learn to do capital and small letters including cursive, and used pencils for all our work. Sometimes if the older students finished their work early, they would help the younger ones with their reading or other assignments. We also had periodic visits from the Kandiyohi County Bookmobile which brought more good books to read over and above what was in our library. I still have my report cards from Mrs. Kelbing and Mrs. Birkemeyer. The cards had our grades in each subject and reported on our deportment and how many days we were tardy or absent from school. They had to be returned to the teacher with our parent's signature on them. We never disputed our grades and our parents always agreed with the teacher.

We all had lunch boxes and sometimes thermoses, bringing PB and J or other sandwiches or leftovers that we could heat on the stove or hotplate. We ate fast, especially in the spring and fall, so we could get outside to play softball, football, Or other games like Red Rover, White duck/BIack duck, Anti-i-over the school house, etc. If we spied a gopher, we dropped everything to get pails of water to drown the gopher, only to see it pop out of another hole.

On Halloween there was a party after school when it got dark. We would decorate the school with paper witches and black cats, set up a scary course for kids to go through in the dark that had squishy somethings, cobwebs, smelly limburger cheese, jack-o-lanterns, ghosts hanging from windows, and then finally lights were turned on to bob for apples and have treats brought by parents.

I particularly remember one Halloween. Phyllis had come home with me after school because we were going back after supper to set up for the party before the others came. We were walking the quarter mile to the school in the dark when Phyllis said "what is that white thing in the field". I said "it is probably just "Silver" (our white pony that often ran loose). The white thing came closer and close and Phyllis and I got really scared, turned and ran back down the road and up the drive to our house as fast as we could. Mother tried to calm us, but was laughing. Then Dad came in laughing with a sheet over his arm.

Before Valentine's Day we decorated a big box with a slit in the cover. We each brought valentines for everyone else and loved seeing all the different kinds of funny valentines we received. There usually was candy and cookies, too.

The Christmas program was a big event and Mrs. Birkemeyer was exceptionaly good at doing these. After Thanksgiving, we were all assigned our parts. We memorized poems to recite, songs to sing, some played piano solos and there always was a Nativity play with all students getting a role of Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, shepherds or angels wearing silver tinsel-rope halos. A couple weeks before the program, Emil would move the furniture away from the front of the room and build a stage with sawhorses and planks. Curtains would be hung and we would start practicing our parts. Parents, Grandparents and everyone in the area we invited and we all agonized fearing we would forget our lines or make mistake . After the program there would be treats again provided by parents.

This one-room country school provided a solid, well-rounded education that unquestionably got us all off to a good start in life. The students and their families were our neighbors and friends.

Mike/Butch, developed the following for a class assignment interview and the written responses to those questions.

Following school District Articles are from the Kandi Express
(March and September of 2013 And September and December of 2015)


By Carolyn Kneisl


On a petition by George W. Hart and others, commissioners in 1866 established a school district including all the present towns of Lake Lillian and East Lake Lillian and sections, 25 to 36, inclusive, in town of Fahlun. The district was established as district No. 4 and after the union of the two counties it was renumbered 40.

The organization meeting wasn’t held until March 26, 1870. It was then held at J. A. J. Bomsta's residence. J. A. Johnson was elected clerk; J. A. J.Bomsta, Director; and A. P. Quist, treasurer. A tax of $20.00 was leveled for building of the schoolhouse. It is stated by old residents that two terms of school had been taught by J. M. Pitman in Rev. Bomsta's first log house before the schoolhouse was built. Others maintain that the first term was taught by Mr. Hoyt. The money for paying the teacher the first year was probably raised by the parents by private assessment or subscription, as no order was ever issued by the district for his services, though the house rent, order No. 1 being issued for that purpose on June 25, 1870.

The schoolhouse was built in the spring of 1870 at a cost of about $900 dollars. It was without doubt the largest county schoolhouse in the county at that time. It was built on the southwest corner of section 5, present day 165th Avenue and County Road 4, East Lake Lillian. Then in 1887 it was moved to the southwest corner of section 3, present day 165th Avenue SE and 165th Street SE, of the same town.

The district at that time was one of the most progressive in the county, maintaining six months of school in the early seventies, mostly winter school, and obtaining the best teachers obtainable, paying them $36 to $40 a month at a time when the average teachers’ wages hardly exceeded $20 a month. An organ was purchased for the school in 1875. In 1877 the apparatus of the school was valued at $290.

In 1930 the schoolhouse was leveled by fire. The school was closed in 1955.


District North

A petition dated at Lake Lillian, May 25, 1885, asked for the formation of a new school district in what is now the town of East Lake Lillian. The petition bore the following signatures: H. E. Anderson, Hans K. Sand, Andrew Nielson, William Waters, Anna Marshall, B. E. Nelson, Anna Hanson, Soren M. Hanson, Iver Aspaas, Christopher Johnson, Nils A. Nielson, Hans Owre. The matter came up before the county commissioners for final action on Jan. 6, 1886, and the petition was granted and the new district established as No. 81. The district was organized at a special school meeting held Jan. 21, 1886. H. E. Anderson was elected director; Nils A. Nielson, treasurer; Hans Owre, clerk. A tax of $125 for schoolhouse and $25 for site was levied.

The first school was held in the residence of H. E. Anderson in the fall of 1886. The same place was used for the spring school in 1887.

At the annual meeting in 1887 the site for the schoolhouse was fixed at the northeast corner of lot 4, section 18. It was voted to issue bonds for $600 for building schoolhouse. The building was erected that summer, at a cost of $514.86. Furniture was bought for $187.45; apparatus for $70.45.

At a special school meeting held on March 22, 1902, it was decided by a vote of 19 to 13 to build another schoolhouse in the south half of the district, and to move the old schoolhouse. The site for the old schoolhouse was fixed at the northwest corner of NE 1/4 section 20, present day on State Hwy 7 a ½ mile east of 135th Street SE; for the new schoolhouse, northwest corner of NE 1/4 section 32,present day on County Road 77 a ½ mile east of 135th Street SE. Bonds for $1,000 were issued. The contract for building the new schoolhouse was let to Nils Erickson for $137.

The building was 20 x 28, 10 feet high, and cost in all $693. The contract for moving the old schoolhouse was let to Lars Turnquist for $100. Some repairs were made to the old building, costing $52. For furniture for the new building $176.20 was expended. Both schools are splendidly equipped with modern furniture and apparatus, including a library for each school. The free text book system has been in force since 1895.

On 29 January 1912 fire destroyed the North District 81 schoolhouse in East Lake Lillian. The school board met on the 16th of April 1912 and set the date of 21 April as the date for the people in District 81 to vote on issuing to the State of Minnesota the bonds of that municipality in the aggregate sum of $1000 bearing interest at the rate of 4% per annum; the proceeds will be used for the purpose of building a new schoolhouse in the place of the one that burned down.

According to school board clerk’s records the north school closed for an undecided period on account of diphtheria being in the district. (10 March 1914)

The school was closed in 1955. Schoolhouse of 81 North is still standing and is used as a town hall.


District 89

District No. 89 was established on July 11, 1892, with the following territory: Sections 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35, and 36 town of East Lake Lillian. The district was organized at a special school meeting held on July 29, 1892.

The site for the schoolhouse was fixed at the southeast corner of section 23, present day is located at 210th Avenue SE about ½ mile east of 180th Street SE, where a plat of one acre was obtained for grounds. It was voted to issue bonds for $950 for building and equipping a schoolhouse. The contract for erecting the building was let to Mr. Windhorst of Olivia for $200, he to furnish all materials. The building was 24 x 26, and built in the best modern style. Furniture was purchased for $146.75 and apparatus for $63.25.

The free text book system was adopted the following year, and library was purchased in 1897. Since that year the district has maintained eight months of school per year, and received the special state aid.

The school was closed in 1954.


By Marilyn Johnson

District 5

District 5 South

A petition dated at Lake Lillian on Jan 14, 1875, asked for the formation of a new school district out of the following area: Sections 13, 14, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36; all of Section 12 except W 1/2 of NW 1/4, and S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Section 20. The petition was signed by Geo. W. Hart, Ole Lundquist, Erick Westling, Ole Trogen, Jonas Johnson, M. J. Granquist, John Nelson, E. O. Linn, Ole Erickson, Ole Lindquist, Peter Lindquist, Olaf Mattson, Lars Larson, Emil Hanson, E. A. Halgren, L. J. Erickson, M. Linman.

The number 5 was given to the district and the district was organized at a special meeting held at the home of E. Westling on Feb 1, 1876. Peter Anderson was elected director; E. O. Linn, treasurer, and Geo. W. Hart, clerk.

In the fall of 1876, the first school was held in the home of E. O. Linn, with Miss Laura Owre as teacher. School was held at the home of E. Westling in the spring of 1877, and also in the home of Jonas Johnson. In the fall of 1877and the spring of 1878, school was held at the home of Peter Anderson.

At a special school meeting held on March 6, 1877, it was decided to build a 20x30 foot schoolhouse on the SW¼ of NW¼ of Section 23. This building was constructed in 1878 at a cost of $423.42. In 1882 the interior was finished with ceiling boards rather than plaster. At a special school meeting held June 27, 1891, it was decided to move this schoolhouse to the SE corner of Section 22.

By 1895 this schoolhouse could no longer accommodate the number of children who needed to attend. At a special school meeting held May 15, 1895 it was decided to move this building to the SW corner of Section 26. The cost of moving and repairing the old school house was $294.95. It became South School Dist 5.

District 5 North

The new 20x30 foot schoolhouse was built on the SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 14 at a cost of $650. This became North School Dist 5. This would be along 98th St SE. The schoolhouse was later moved to the SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 15, where it remained until the school was closed in 1955. This location was along 90th St SE. The building was later moved to a farm site on the NE¼ of Section 13, Roseland Township, was remodeled and became a family home.

Teachers from 1905 to 1955 were: Anna S. Schollin, Lena Sorenson, Esther M. Johnson, Esther Hanson, Cornelia Otterness, Anna Fridlund, Alphia Otterness, Marie Haroldson, Anna Solmonson, Amalia Musil, Lily Johnson, Celia Englebretson, Esther Peterson, Jeanette Benson, Letha Turner, Laurene Kyle, Alice Erickson, Ethyl Berg, Doris Godejohn, Mrs. Roy Blomquist, Mrs. Charles Sharpe, Mrs. Marjorie Graber, Mrs. William Pearson.


A petition requesting formation of a new school district from territory taken from districts 5 and 64 was granted on July 26, 1886. District 83 included Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, N½ of SW¼ and E ½ of SE ¼ of Section 18, Lake Lillian. This district was organized at a meeting held Sept 11, 1886. Edward Hogmoe was elected clerk; L. P. Johnson, treasurer; P. S. Aspaas, director. It was decided to have two months of school the following spring. P. Nordberg agreed to let the district use a room in his house for two months for $5. Miss Mary Hogmoe taught the first term. In 1988 one term of school was taught in the Hogmoe home.

On Jan 7, 1889, at a special meeting held at the Hogmoe house, it was decided to build a 24x20 foot schoolhouse. This schoolhouse was built in the NW corner of the SE ¼ of Section 8, at a cost of $575. In 1895 a 10x12 foot entry was added.

In 1894 the free text-book system was adopted. A library was purchased in 1898. In 1904, at the annual meeting, it was decided to have eight months of school and to employ a first-grade teacher. This would enable them to get state aid.

Teachers at District 83 from 1905 to 1952 were: Alvina Barker, Emma C. Anderson, Anna Schollin, V. S. Knutson, Ellen S. Skutle, T. T. Haley, Huldah Williams, Hattie Kalberg, Helga Nelson, Myrtle E. Johnson, Mrs. Geo. O. Anderson, Mildred Bostrom, Florence Pallin, Marion Lund, Marie E. Anderson, Marion Erickson, Jean Ferguson, Elizabeth Thiel, Anna B. Olson, Lorraine Bergstrand, Arthur Nordin, Marian Peterson, Wesley Winter, Evelyn Winter, Ellen Anderson, Rachel Erickson, Ethel Johnson, Mrs. Maynard Estwick, Mrs. Richard Nelson, Bernadine Anderson, Catherine Johnson.

I found no information on this schoolhouse being moved or replaced, but persons still alive who attended this school state that it was located in the SE corner of the SW ¼ of SE ¼ of Section 5, along our current 165th Ave SE. This school closed in 1952 and the students were bused to the Blomkest School.


This school district was organized in 1906. The petitioners were Marie Susens, Fred Reins, George Harms, John E. Bengtson, Peter Lofgren, A. E. Latt, P. O. Person, Albert L. Tucker, B. S. Susens, L. W. Hirons, William Shields, H. P. Peterson, and H. J. Johnson.

No information is available regarding when the schoolhouse was built, its dimensions, or the cost. The schoolhouse was located in the NW corner of the NW 1/4 of Section 35. The current 225th Ave SE would run along north border of schoolhouse site. The school closed in 1955 when it became part of the Lake Lillian Village District.

Teachers at District 105 were: Bernice Hodgdon, F. E. Johnson, Mayme Susens, Gladys Freeman, Eda Lobnitz, Hilda Ledell, Hilda Green, Mrs. W. Lundquist, Josephine Monson, Sada Stebbins, Mary Collin, Helen Benson, Marvel Lovelace, Mae Bjornberg, Emma C. Johnson, Marcella Nieberlie, Lillian Nelson, Ethel Nelson, Juliet Magnuson, Elizabeth Jeneson, Edith Nelson, E. Laurene Kyle, Mrs. Laurene Sester, Marvel Hanson, Florence Melin, Doris Godejohn, Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, Mrs. Josephine Vinar, Betty Knoll, Mrs. Mabel Seehusen, Lorraine Stadther, Mrs. Earl Youngkrantz, Mrs. Roy Blomquist.

Oct 18 1951 TEACHER Buella Knoll Youngkrantz Front to back ROW 1 : Dale Peterson, Deanna Wittman, Kenneth Youngkrantz, Brian Wittman, Janice Peterson, Raymond Youngkrantz ROW 2: James Wittman: Germaine Wittman, Kenneth Wittman, Marvin French, Robert French, Richard Hauer

District 105


District 106 wasn't formed until 1912. Petitions for this district were Andrew Swedin, Andrew G. Johnson, Olaf Heglund, Peter Hanson, Matts Renstrom, P. H. Hanson, P. P. Hanson, H. G. Bluhm, Anna M. Peterson, Emil Heglund, Albert Rodelius, and P.S.J. Johnson.

As with District 105, there is no information available as to when the schoolhouse was built, the dimensions, or cost. The schoolhouse was located SE corner of the SE 1/4 of Section 20, where present 210th Ave SE intersects with 150th St SE. This school closed in 1952 when it became part of the Lake Lillian Village District.

Teachers at District 106 were: Mrs. Willie Lundquist, Florence Christianson, Ingeborg Nelson, Amanda Johnson, Mathilda Johnson, Alice Clough, Agnes Ytterboe, Edna Nordstrom, Marie Erickson, Myrtle Kleberg, Joseph Magnuson, Frances Turner, Emma Johnson, Jennie Storlie, Marvel Hanson, Edith M. Nelson, Mrs. Annette Ludman, Olga Carlson, Geneva Ruud, Lenore Vick, Mrs. Roy Blomquist, Lorraine Stadher.


Big room

A two-room schoolhouse was built in the village of Lake Lillian in 1925. This was District 110. The first school board members were August J. Johnson, Lars Erickson, and H. R. Mattson. Another building was moved in to the site in 1952 to hold kindergarten classes. These school buildings were located in the NW section of the Town of Lake Lillian, west of the current park area. Several houses are now situated where the District 110 buildings once stood and where the children played. District 110 later became part of District 113.

Teachers from 1925 to 1955 were: Reynold Westerberg, Mildred Tatting, Beatrice Anderson, Marion Pankake, Gladys Elmquist, Harold Brandt, Ethel Miller, Agnes Hough, Lorraine Bergstrand, Alice Erickson, Blanche Olson, Rachel Erickson, Olga Carlson, Muriel Vick, Mrs Oril Sorby, Marie Botnen, Alma Sederstrom, Mrs. Elder Madsen, Elvera Blombeck, Mrs. Edward Widlund, Mrs. Arnold Koch, Mrs. Cecelia Seehusen, Mrs. Myrlan Flugstad, Mrs. Sidney Swenson, Mrs. Henry Horns.

DISTRICT 113 (Became 344 in 1958)

In 1953 the area around Lake Lillian was reorganized and brought together with district 110 to form the new district 113. A modern school building was built in 1955. This building was located in the SE corner of the town of Lake Lillian. This building was large enough to accommodate 8 grades. Four buses provided transportation, two cooks provided hot lunches and one custodian maintained the building. School Board members were John Larson, Chester Nordin, Carl Youngkrantz, Alton Olson, and Eugene Renstrom.

Teachers from 1955 to 1970 were: Mrs. Donald Behm, Mrs.. Pearl Birkemeyer, Mrs. Esther Bluhm, Mrs. Larry Braford, Mrs. Alice Brown, Mrs. Shirley Brown, Mrs. Lucille Carlson, Mr. Ronald Frandle, Mr. Earl Fredrick, Mr. Virgil Gehring, Mrs. Ethel Harberts, Mrs. Phyllis Hauer, Mr. Allen Hooser, Mrs. Ruth Horns, Mrs. Emma Keicker, Mrs. Beverly Kelbing, Mrs. Janice Kittleson, Mrs. Beverly Lentz, Mrs. Janice Mattson, Mrs. Marlys Melin, Mrs. James Mikes, Mrs. Betty Newberg, Mrs. Doris O’Neill, Mr. Stewart Patrick, Mrs. Ila June Peterson, Mrs. Phyllis Portinga, Mrs. Sharron Rierson, Mr. Robert Ross, Mrs. Nancy Schwab, Mrs. Cecelia Seehusen, Mrs. Fanny Shosten, Mrs. Grace Sieckert, Mrs. Caroline Skagerberg, Mrs. Phyllis Wilcox.

District 344 was closed around 1977. (Last classes were in LL in 1979) The students thereafter continued their educations at the Bird Island, Cosmos, or Atwater schools. The district 344 building was later purchased and has been used for various businesses.


By Carolyn Kneisl

School District 43 - Fahlun and Lake Elizabeth townships

This district was established on June 2, 1869 as District Number 7. In renumbering the districts in old Kandiyohi County it was renumbered Number 43. The district was organized at a meeting held at the residence of John Johnson Vick on March 26, 1870. Nels A. Anderson served as moderator and was elected director; John M. Johnson was elected clerk, and Emil Hanson as treasurer. George Hart and Emil Hanson were the most active workers in pushing the establishment and organization of the district.

The first school was taught in the spring of 1870, in a log house on William Lund's place. Henry Baker of Greenleaf was the teacher, and received $20 per month. A schoolhouse was built in 1871, at a cost of $700. It site was on the SE 1/4, NE 1/4 of section 2, Lake Lillian Township. Christine Olson taught the first school in this building in the fall of 1871. In the spring of 1882 the schoolhouse was moved to lot 1, section 35, Fahlun Township, in a grove on Soren Johnson's place on what is now Big Kandi Drive on the East side of Big Kandiyohi Lake In 1900 the schoolhouse was torn down and rebuilt on N. M. Gabrielson's land in NE 1/4 NW 1/2 in section 36, Fahlun Township about 2 miles north of Lake Lillian on the East side of County Road 8 and about 1/4 of a mile south of 134th Avenue SE. The cost of rebuilding was $300 and that gave the district a fine well equipped schoolhouse. There is a stone curbed well on the ground and a number of trees have been planted. A library was purchased in 1901.

The district was consolidated with the Lake Lillian village district in 1953. Pupils who attained note in public life later in life were State Representative Hemming Nelson and W. E. Frederickson who became county superintendent of schools. Three generation families attended this school; the Larsons, Nelsons, Vicks, Bomstas, Lunds and Gabrielsons.

39 (778) Fahlun Township

This district was established in 1866 as District Number 3 with the following territory: Sections 1 to 24, inclusive, Fahlun; sections 30 to 34, inclusive, Kandiyohi. On Jan. 1, 1868, the entire south half of Kandiyohi Township was made a part of the district. The portion of the district in Kandiyohi Township was later set off to form new districts and the greater part of the district in Fahlun has been set off to form parts of Districts Number 68 and 79.

The first school in the district was taught in 1867 by Miss Lutina Lindquist, later Mrs. Solomon Porter, and then a mere girl. She was induced, much against her will, to teach a six month term. There was no schoolhouse and the school was held in the cabins of E. P. Wickland, Peter Norberg, Peter Olson and Andrew Johnson for six weeks in each place, thus giving all the pupils in the large district a chance to attend long enough to draw the apportionment money. The second teacher was Miss Alzada R. Weaver of Gennessee. It fell to the lot of Noah W. White, the sturdy young pioneer, to bring the teacher and with his ox team he performed his mission. He then frequently took her to her home on Sunday and the first romance of Fahlun resulted. On November 30th of the same year (1868) Noah White and the school ma am appeared before Rev. T. Libby, a pastor of the M. E. church, who spoke the words that made them man and wife.

The first schoolhouse in the district was a log structure, built in 1868. The logs were furnished free by citizens of the district, but the cost of other materials and of labor amounted to about $175. This building stood at a point about a quarter of a mile south of where the M. E. church is now located. This building was used until 1880, when the present frame schoolhouse was built on the site it now occupies. The total cost of the building was about $600. The building is one of the largest country schoolhouses erected in the early days and is well equipped for work. The school is located in section 4 about 3 miles south of Kandiyohi on County Road 8 then just to the West on 71st Avenue SE. A library was purchased for the school in 1904 and a basement added in 1958. A number of shade trees adorn the grounds. The school was active through the 1969-70 school year.

School District 68 (794) of Fahlun Township

A petition dated July 18, 1873, asked for the formation of a new school district from the following territory: Sections 18, 19, 20, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, town of Fahlun. The petition was signed by B. Selvig, O. Norling, F. O. Anderson, I. Norlander, P. Backlund, J. M. Johanson, A. Skoglund, Nils Trulson, Peter Person, and Peter Felt. There was opposition from thirty-three citizens of district No. 39, from which the territory was to be taken. The petition was granted Jan. 8, 1874, and the new district established as Number 68.

The district was organized at a meeting held at the home of B. Selvig, March 23, 1874. Nils Trulson was chosen moderator of the meeting. B. Selvig was elected clerk, Nels Trulson, treasurer, Erick Hegstrom, director.

The first term of school was held in the fall of 1874. Miss Carrie Mattson taught one month. The school was conducted for a certain number of days each at the homes of F. O. Anderson, B. Selvig, E. Hegstrom, L. Norlander, P. Backlund, A. Skoglund, J. M. Johanson, Nels Trulson , L.J. Nordstrom and Peter Larson.

In 1876 a schoolhouse was built. The size of the building was 16 x22 and the cost about $400. In 1884 the schoolhouse was rebuilt making it 18 x 30, with a hall 14 x 14. The cost of rebuilding was $300. It was located in section 19 about 1/4 mile south of County Road 84 on 37th Street SE on the west side of the road. In 1899 the building was re-shingled, as a part of the roof had been destroyed by a stroke of lightning. In 1892 a library was purchased, the money being raised by an entertainment given by the school. In 1904 a number of trees were planted on the grounds with money being raised by a basket party given by the young people of the district. A pupil of this school who attained note in later public life was Otto Trulson who became county Register of Deeds. Three generation families attending this school were the Skoglunds, Holtins, Lindblads, Petersons, Hansons. The school closed in 1959.


By Marilyn Johnson

DISTRICT 38 (777)

Commissioners of Kandiyohi County, on Sept 4, 1866, granted a petition by G. Dahl and others to establish a new school district out of Sections 31 to 36, inclusive, Gennessee, and Sections 1 to 24, inclusive, Lake Elizabeth. The district was established as District No. 2 but on Feb 11, 1871, the number was changed to 38.

The district was formally organized in 1870. Among the primary movers for organization were G. A. Glader, Nels Rosenquist, Olaf Swedlund, John Johnson, and Wm. Johnson. The first teacher was Miss Hannah Johnson. School was held at different homes in the district, sometimes in the granary or up in the loft or garret of the house, changing about from place to place for each term. Miss Johnson would sometimes take the students out under the shade of trees or hold school in a wagon box when the garret, the granary, or wherever they were gathered, became too oppressive during hot summer days. The second teacher was Miss Lutina Lindquist.

The first school house was made from logs cut from trees on the big island in Lake Elizabeth. In December 1974, during a Christmas celebration at the school, the ceiling caught fire from the old cook stove. The damage was repaired and school held in this log structure until 1885. This log structure was 14x20 feet and was eight feet high. In 1885 a new 24x28x12 foot structure was erected at a cost of $600. The schoolhouse sat on two acres of land. The apparatus included a large globe, a chandelier with four lamps, physiological charts, maps, dictionary, etc. The free text book system was adopted in 1896. In 1900 a library was purchased.

Enrollment in 1873 included Alexander Forsberg, Nels Olson, George H. Skeate, John Dahline, Oscar Dahline, Peter Osberg, Andrew Rosenquist, Nels Peterson, John Malmberg, Olaf Oredson, August Swedlund, Andrew Johnson, Jonas Johnson, Andrew Forsberg, G. Hanson, Josephine Johnson, Nelly Olson, Nelly Skeate, Mary Dahline, Wealthy Church, Melvina Church, Alice Peterson, Mary Swedlund, Anna Forsberg.

In 1931 the schoolhouse burned down and a new one was built in 1932, at a cost of $2,400. The interior was damaged by fire in 1952 so classes were held at the Geo. Winberg farmhouse. The schoolhouse was later modernized with a central heating system and other utilities.

Teachers from 1905 through the school year 1969/70 were Millie Carlson, Nellie E. Rosenquist, Horace E. Reese, Pearl Malmberg, Mabel V. Anderson, Minnie O. Erickson, Lulu R. Leslie, Gunhild Peterson, A. R. Thompson, Ellen M. Anderson, Lillian Boom, Hazel Peterson, Florence Boom, Saidee Pearson, Marjorie Sutcliffe, Ivel Clough, Esther Hubbartt, Emma S. Johnson, Anna M. Johnson, Dorothy Diffendorf, Anna B. Olson, Margaret Swenson, Lucille Johnson, Althea Brusven, Manford Hewitt, Ruth Cowing, Esther Edwall, Leona Blahoski, June Johnson, Edna Shosten, Elinor Pagel, Luella Fredrick, Mrs. William Kiecker, Mrs. Kermit Johnson, Mrs. Albert Nelson, Mrs. Jack Stice, Mrs. Elder Madsen.

This schoolhouse was located in the SW corner of the SE 1/4 of Section 9, on the North side of 90th Ave SE.

DISTRICT 75 (800)

A petition was presented to the county commissioners on July 28, 1879 asking for the formation of a new school district from the following territory: Sections 1, 2, 11, 12, and 14, Lake Elizabeth; Section 36 and E½ of Section 35, Gennessee. The petition was granted August 13, 1879 and District No. 75 was established. The district was organized that same month and the following were elected: August Broman, director; Louis S. Moline, treasurer; Gustaf Hedner, clerk.

Miss Anna Johnson taught the first term of school in the spring of 1882. She taught a three month term in the Norwegian Methodist Church. In 1883 an 18x22 x12 foot schoolhouse was built at a cost of about $400. In 1888 an 8x16 entry was added, and in 1892 a12 foot addition was added to the west end of the building.

Enrollment in 1882 included Selma C. Lund, Betsey Lindblom, Anna C. Lindblom, Samuel Johnson, Sophia Johnson, Charley E. Lund, Albertina Molin, Gustaf Molin, Frank D. Molin, August Broman, Oscar Broman, Sarah Nelson, Theodore Nelson, Lena Johnson, Alida Wieberg, Lars Fredrick Larson, Efry Larson, Enie Danielson, Minnie Danielson.

Teachers from 1905 through the school year 1969/70 were Christina Erickson, Gunhild Peterson, Anna C. Peterson, Amanda Synnerholm, Olga Haroldson, Grace V. Dahl, Anna Aune, Florence Freelander, Eva Clough, Mrs. H. L. Nordin, Anna Olson, Mrs. Joe Goeddertz, Oril V. Danielson, Myrtle M. Carlson, Stella Carlson, Myrtle Grendahl, Ethel Nelson, Helen Hendrickson, Mildred Duffy, Mildred J. Nelson, Josie Knudsen, Mrs. C. A. Halverson, Doris Mae Stark, Mrs. Edith Westre, Arlene Johnson, Margaret Miller, Mrs. Elden Palmer, Jr, Annie Hawes, Mrs. Alpha Vennerstrom, Mrs. Ben Marshall, Mrs. Evelyn Anderson, Mrs. John Phillips.

This schoolhouse was located in the NE corner of the SE 1/4 of Section 2, on the west side of County Road 2.

DISTRICT 79 (804)

On July 23, 1883 District 79 was established and covered the following territory: Sections 6, 7 and 18, W 1/2 of Sections 5 and 8, Lake Elizabeth; and Sections 12 and 13, and E 1/2 of Sections 1, 11, and 14 of Fahlun. The district was organized at a meeting on Sept 1, 1883, and the following elected as officers: C. P. Quist, clerk; Frank Fornell, director; and G. J. Boom, treasurer.

The site chosen for the schoolhouse was the SW corner of NW 1/4 of NW 1/4, Section 7, Lake Elizabeth. The 18x24x10 foot schoolhouse was built and the first term of school began on April 8, 1884, with Melvina Peterson as the teacher. An 16x20 addition was built in 1894 at a cost of $225. Further improvements were made in 1898 at a cost of $250.

Enrollment in 1884 included Edith Quist, Hurby Quist, Earnest Quist, Kate Olson, Hannah Olson, Christin A Olson, Charles Peterson, Annie Peterson, Frank Eastlund, Christina Engstrom, Henry Forsberg, Hilda Sjarstrom, Manda Sjarstrom, Betsy Norine, Axel Lindholm, Sarah Engstrom, Augusta Sjarstrom, Willie Carlson, Erick Eastlund, Emma Olson, Willie Peterson.

Teachers during the years 1905 to 1963 included Edith E. Quist, Edna M. Cassidy, Lucile A. Cashman, Mary A. Lipsit, Ellen S. Skutle, Mabel E. Johnson, Julia M. Johnson, Victoria Peterson, Josephine W. Peterson, Emma Carlson Myrtle Johnson, Mabel Johnson, Ruby Melin, Ruth Harrison, Edna Shosten, Ethel Newman, Esther Pederson, Clara Hallbom, Anna C. Lindquist, Regina Donnay, Myrtle Kleberg, Hilda Hoekstra, Dorothy Gabriel, Bernice Flygare, Kenneth Elling, Iona Nelson, Eleanore Norine, Mrs. Lowell Ekbom, Mrs. Wilbur Peters, Ruth Steinhilber, Leone Brown, Lorraine Linden, Mrs. Lillian Danielson, Philles Whitcomb, Mrs. John Phillips, Mrs. Chester Nelson, Marcella Verhey, Mrs. Phyllis Madsen, Anita Sauck, Mrs. Glenn Lemmonds, Mrs. Carol Lehnhoff.

This schoolhouse was located in Section 7 in the corner where 120th St SE meets 75th Ave SE. This district consolidated with the Atwater School in 1962/63, after 80 years of existence. The building was purchased and torn down. The swings went to Atwater.

DISTRICT 96 (811)

A petition dated Feb 22, 1894 asked that a new school district be established for the area covering the S 1/2 of Section 22; E 1/2 and SW 1/4 of Section 28; E 1/2 of NW 1/4, N 1/2 of SW 1/4, Section 34; all of Sections 24, 25, 26, 27, 35 and 36; Lake Elizabeth Township. The petition was granted on Jan 10, 1895 and District No. 96 was established.

It was determined at a special meeting held May 1,1895 to issue bonds for $400 to be used to build a schoolhouse. The building was improved in 1903 in order to meet the requirements of rural schools receiving the special state aid.

The following teachers taught during the first years of the district: Sarah Nelson, summer and fall, 1895; N. J. Swanson, spring, 1896; H. Bornstedt, fall and winter, 1896; Rosa H. Bomstad, spring 1897.

Enrollment in 1897 included Thea Johnson, Bessie Olson, Rhoda Ekbom, Emma Johnson, Alwin Westlund, Esther Peterson, Earnest Linden, Hilda Peterson, Reuben Ekbom, Hattie Campbell, Eddie Linden, Hans Johnson, Elmer G. Wallin, Abel Ekblom, Pearl Westlund, Annie Peterson, Anton Johnson, Hattie C. Wallin, Robert Westlund, Eddie Carlson, Nels Peterson, George Johnson, Mabel Lindstrom, Annie Rowland, Mamie Rowland, Morene Westlund, Levi Ekbom, Esther Campbell, Louis Larson, Christian Larson, Willie Larson, Frans Lindstrom, Clara Waters, Edith Lindfors, Enoch Walters, Joseph Walters, Hans Waters, Henry Waters, Willie Peterson, Willie Waters, Hilma Peterson, Emma Berg, Alric Youngberg, Herman Peterson, Victor Peterson.

This school was known as the Prairie School. A new schoolhouse was built in 1938 by the NYA at a cost of $4,104. Plumbing and lavatories were installed in 1948 and a furnace in 1951. New desks were purchased in 1962. This schoolhouse was located in the SE corner of the NW 1/4 of Section 26, on the north side of 127th
